Half the battle of paying down debt is not spending your extra money, therefore saving it. It's easy to set goals to save, but its a whole other thing to follow through on not spending it.
In order to be successful in my "no spending" challenge, I have removed all my bookmarks to websites that I would frequent to find a good deal. I am content in my life right now and don't see anything that I "need". There are plenty of wants, but I don't need them. So, to keep myself busy I have been reading websites that promote paying down debt, saving your extra money, and anything money related.
I am avoiding Walmart, it's down the block from where I live so it is easy to need 1 thing and come out with $100 gone, especially with teenage kids in the house.
"The best investment you can make, is an investment in yourself" Warren Buffett. He goes on to say that the more you learn about money and finances, the more you will earn. I think that what he means by this is the more you learn, the better choices you will make. Also what I have noticed, is the more you immerse yourself in a particular subject, the more of an "expert" you tend to become on it.
That is it for now, I hope to give an update on my progress at the end of each month.
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